by Newton , at 06:06 , have 0 comments


Have you ever known that 'youtube is just a cash cow waiting to be
milked'? You see,for one to make money online,he/she must
understand the advantage of media sites on the internet.This is a step
by step tutorial to teach you how you can monetize youtube.This method
requires minimal effort but guarantees you maximal earnings.

1.First things first,you have to get a proven product that sells.But
how do i do this? Well,its very easy.We are going to use clickbank
since its the no.1 affiliate network but you may also use
amazon.Signup for a free account at clickbank.Clickbank marketers
promote the product for a 50% -75% commission as an added bonus so you
will be getting a 75% commission in passive income
every month!Promoting a product is as simple as pasting the product's
affiliate link on the internet.You get paid when someone clicks your
link and buys the product.In this method you will be the marketer.
-Log in to clickbank and click "promote products" then go to the
"marketplace". Find a the category of the products you want to
promote.A popular category is 'health and fitness' .Usually results
are sorted by popularity(an advantage for you) since this will give
you a list of products that are proven to sell.Pick a product and
click the "promote" button to get your affiliate link to this
product.Now its just a matter of getting as many people as possible to
see and click your link.

Youtube is the world's largest video search engine and the third most
visited site online.All you have to do is post your affiliate link
under a popular video.Just search youtube for videos that have more
than 40,000 views and contact the video owner to rent or buy his/her
account.Every video has an infor area under it.Ensure you also find
videos which are not promoting any product or website.Use it to
promote your affiliate link.

Now let me take you through a full example of how you can execute this
method.First you log into clickbank and go to the marketplace to find
best selling products to promote.If you browse the 'health and
fitness' category,you'll find 'truth about abs' being the first
product.If you promote this product,you will earn $39.10 on cash
sale,this is the 75%commission.Now look at its stats,do you see the
Avg rebill total of$28.69? Rebill means that this is a product where
customers are charged periodically.This means that you will make
passive recurring income,in this case $28.69 per customer every
month.'truth about abs'sounds like a great product to promote,let's do
it! Click the promote button to get your personal link affiliate.Save
the affiliate link,you'll need it later.Now lets go to youtube to find
videos you can use to promote your affiliate link.Since abs is a
fitness product,let's search ''getting abs"to find videos related to
the product you're promoting.Look through each video result you want
videos that have more than 40,000 views and are not promoting another
site.I quickly found the best video.This video got 1,320,527 views
since April 28.2011.Mathematicians will tell you that is about 40,000
views per day yet the info area does not contain any link.That's
perfect,if you can put your affiliate on this video you will have
40,000 prospects.However not all 40,000 will click your
link.Realistically 2 out of every 10,so 640 prospects will click and
go to see the seller's info.Of the 640, 10 will go on to buy the
product,this means its 10 sales per day,EVERYDAY! This is at least
$391.00 per day and don't forget there is the Avg re bill of $28.69
every month..With that,you are going to BE A BILLIONAIRE WITH YOUTUBE!

Note:The prices stated above of the product may increase or decrease
with time since the statistics are old. NOW GO AND MAKE MONEY.!
HOW TO MAKE MONEY ON YOUTUBE - written by Newton , published at 06:06 , categorized as how to make money , making money online . And have 0 comments
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